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Fotografi in RAW? By: 4rd4r1c0

Estiqaatsi... dice che:

č del 4 gennaio 2010 la notizia del rilascio di RawTherapee 3.0 alpha 1 con un cambio di licenza, passando da freeware a GPLv3.

Queste le motivazioni dell'autore:

License changes:

I decided to change the license to GPL and thus offer the source code to the open source community. This does not mean that I stop developing RawTherapee. I will invest as much time into the development as till now.

I have three motivations for this decision:

  • first, I love playing with image processing algorithms but I'm not keen on GUI development. Recently a huge amount of work had to be invested to develop a usable GUI and I had no time left to play with new algorithms. I hope to involve some new developers who help me to maintain and enhance the GUI.
  • The second reason of licence change was that I am very frustrated by the huge amount of bug reports I can not reproduce (believe it or not, RT is stable on my PC). I hope that with the open source model some talented users can identify the problems and fix the bugs.
  • The third (but maybe the most important) reason of switching to GPL is that our baby reached the age (10 month old) when he needs his father more and more. I dont want to disappoint him Smile.

With more developers involved the development process will hopefully more smooth and wont stop when I am busy.

Il programma č sia per Windows che per Linux, anzi:

Hardcore linux coders: please accept that windows is a primary platform. (I use a linux environment for development, too, but the vast majority of downloads was the windows version)

L'apertura del progetto permetterą a chiunque di dare una mano nel suo sviluppo, notificando bugs, trovando un modo per riprodurre i bugs, fixando i bugs o, per chi non ha esperienza con la programmazione, fornendo guide, aiutando con la traduzione, discudendo sul forum di buone idee o modifiche all'interfaccia grafica per incrementare l'usabilitą etc...

Il programma č in alpha, quindi sarą pieno di problemi, ma non per questo non potrą migliorare.

Dopo averlo provato, se proprio non vorrete contribuire alla sua crescita e non vorrete utilizzarlo, Estiqaatsi... dice che potreste anche disinstallarlo.

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